How do you optimize the fuel economy of your turbocharged car?
Nowadays, every car manufacturer uses turbocharged engines in their cars. It is actually uncommon to find a car without a turbocharger; only the smallest of engines might not have one. So where has this trend come from? Cars have become better It is commonly known...
A history of turbocharging
Although the automotive industry did not become hooked on turbocharging until a few decades ago, the concept has an extensive history. In 1905, Swiss born Dr. Alfred Büchi received the first patent on a turbocharger for a marine engine. However, the concept of...
The future looks VG
Variable Geometry has been a popular way to turbocharger diesel powered vehicles for the past 20-30 years. VG is an attractive technology as it can provide a high boost pressure from low to high speed engine ranges. Due to the VG nozzle vanes, the turbocharger can...
5 ways to damage your turbocharger
Turbochargers are built to last the lifetime of a vehicle. Car manufacturers extensively test the uniquely matched turbocharger and engine together, to avoid any unexpected failures. However, lack of maintenance, hazardous driving or a single component failure, could...
Turbo Myths
Did you believe that turbochargers are only for race car enthusiasts? Or that turbochargers make a lot of noise? Click above to learn about 5 of the most common myths about turbochargers.