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Customer satisfaction survey 2019


Since 2016, we have carried out our annual customer satisfaction survey. This year was no different. In November we sent out surveys to more than 300 customer contacts and received back 39 responses (13%). This was an improvement from the year before where we received 33 responses. However, we are still hoping to get more responses in our future surveys as this will improve the accuracy of the overall picture.

Out of these 39 responses, 19 different European customers gave us their opinion on our company, service levels and turbocharger specifications. As can be seen below, the most responses were from customers in quality functions (39%), followed by purchase (29%).  Simultaniously with us, our Japanese and North American divisions have carried out the same survey.

This year we saw improvement on 18 points. We got a lower score on six points and five points were unchanged from last year. These are the best results we have ever had. With a few additions, we have used the same questions every year since 2016. Out of a maximum of five points, the average score for MTEE across the complete survey in 2016 was 3.5. In 2017 it was 3.3. In 2018 it was 3.4 and finally this year it peaked at 3.6.

Improvements were mainly made this year in customer service; and the greatest improvement was seen in our reaction time, frequency of contact and flexibility. 

Evaluations of our company were stable overall from last year in regards to fairness, innovativeness, stability and competitiveness. Opinions about our turbochargers generally scored a bit lower than last year. The three lowest scores were found in technical performance of turbochargers, durability of turbochargers and overall satisfaction with turbochargers.


We always set a goal of scoring above 3.5 on average for each point. This year, six items fell below this bar. These were: innovativeness, competitiveness, proactiveness, flexibility, price of turbochargers and overall satisfaction with turbochargers. So although flexibility was one of the items that improved the most since last year, it was still one of the lowest scoring.

Keeping in mind the MHI principle of ‘We act with integrity and fairness, always respecting others’, we are especially pleased to score so high (average 4.4 out of 5) for the fairness of our company.

Each year we pick two new focus points that scored low and which need improvements. Each department will make its own action plan for how they can contribute to improving each item. These actions will be implemented throughout 2020 and will hopefully reflect in a better result in next year’s survey. Next year we plan to add more questions to the survey that relate to the quality of our turbochargers. Seeing that most of the responses this year came from customers in quality functions, it will be relevant to seek opinions on these points as well.

As with previous years, we have made a charitable donation of 20 Euros for each response that we received. This year we supported the Kika Foundation, a charity involved in funding research against all types of childhood cancer. With these donations, we hope to inspire more of our customers to participate in our survey next year. Thank you to everyone who participated this year.